CogFusion is dedicated to research, clinical practice, and advocacy in relation to cognitive interventions, with a focus on people at risk of, or living with cognitive decline and dementia.

Dementia is a leading cause of disability and one of the greatest challenges our ageing societies face. Age is the biggest risk factor for dementia and mental (cognitive) decline, but there are many other risk factors, related to our lifestyles in the years and decades before dementia typically develops.

Although no cure for dementia exists, there are drug and non-drug treatments that may prevent, delay, or slow down the development of cognitive impairment. There is substantial evidence that cognitively-oriented treatments may improve or maintain certain thinking and memory skills, and that such treatments may also improve our overall wellbeing, independence, and quality of life.

“Cognitively-oriented treatments” are treatments in which a person engages in thinking-related activities that directly or indirectly influence one’s thinking, wellbeing, and capacity to engage in daily activities.

There is much confusion out there about what “brain training” and other cognitively-oriented treatments (COTs) are and aren’t, and how to maximize their effectiveness. Our goal is to replace this confusion with CogFusion: using the best available evidence, tools, and clinical experience, to educate, increase awareness, and deliver high-quality cognitive interventions with meaningful outcomes.


On the CogFusion website you can:

  • Learn more about cognitive decline and dementia, and on the latest research on the effects of cognitive treatments for people living with cognitive decline and dementia.
  • Request a consultation for the purposes of education, assessment, or treatment of cognitive decline and dementia.
  • Request a lecture or workshop on cognitive treatments for people with or at risk of cognitive decline and dementia

Firmly grounded in health-related behaviour change theory, the CogFusion philosophy centres around the idea that optimal functioning, including any change in a behaviour or activity, depends on the interaction of three broad elements, namely motivation, capability, and opportunity. In our work with people, whether in the context of assessment or treatment, across research and clinical practice, careful evaluation and targeting of these elements ensures we always adhere to person-centred care principles.


Dr Alex Bahar-Fuchs is a clinician and researcher dedicated to understanding and optimising cognitive ageing. As a researcher, he conducts cutting-edge studies with his global network of collaborators aimed at designing and evaluating better cognition-based treatments for older adults with and without cognitive impairment. As a clinician, he works closely with clients to develop, deliver, monitor and evaluate personalised interventions to improve or maintain cognition, function, and wellbeing.

Dr Bahar-Fuchs is an experienced clinical neuropsychologist and an Associate Professor in the Academic Unit for Psychiatry of Old Age, Department of Psychiatry, the University of Melbourne. He is a recognised international expert on cognition-oriented treatments (COTs) for older adults. His research in this area has been published in leading academic journals, is frequently cited (See full list on Google Scholar), and has had an impact on clinical practice guidelines in Australia and abroad.

Alex graduated from Ben-Gurion University in southern Israel in 2002 with a Bachelor of Behavioural Sciences and shortly afterwards moved to Australia where he completed postgraduate training in Psychology at the University of Melbourne and graduated with PhD in clinical neuropsychology from Monash University in 2009. Between 2009 and 2011, Alex worked in a range of hospital settings throughout Melbourne, furthering his experience as a neuropsychologist working with diverse populations, patients and settings such as outpatient neurology, acquired brain injury rehabilitation, and aged-care assessment and management.

Seeking to expand his knowledge beyond neuropsychology, Alex then completed postdoctoral training in Public Health in the Research School of Population Health at the Australian National University in Canberra. Supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, in 2014 Alex relocated to Israel, where he went on to complete further research training at the Joseph Sagol Neuroscience Centre at Sheba Medical Centre, Israel’s largest hospital and medical research facility.​

Alex returned to Melbourne in 2016 and joined the Academic Unit for Psychiatry of Old Age at the University of Melbourne, where he is currently an Associate Professor, and co-heads the Cognitive Interventions, Technologies, and Evaluations (CITE) research group (with Dr Amit Lampit). He serves on several committees and has held a number of leadership positions over the years, including as founding chair of the CIDER International Working Group, and chair of the Non-Pharmacological Interventions Interest Group of the US Alzheimer’s Association (2016-2019). Alex currently serves on the board of the Victorian branch of the College of Clinical Neuropsychologists, the Australian Friends of the University of Tel-Aviv, and of the International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment. Alex has been awarded several prestigious prizes grants and awards, including a Churchill Fellowship and his work has been supported by the National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC), and Dementia Australia. To date, Alex has attracted over $7 Million in research funding from government and non-government funding bodies in Australia, USA, and Israel. For a full list of Alex’s grants and awards, click here.

Alex’s primary interest is the optimisation of cognitive ageing, or the preservation of thinking and cognitive processes and associated functions in later years. His research program focuses on designing and evaluating novel treatments, the use of emerging technologies such as virtual-reality, and mobile applications to deliver and evaluate treatments, as well as on synthesising large amounts of evidence and translating it to clinical practice.


Dr Alex Bahar-Fuchs collaborates widely with researchers, clinicians, students, and the public nationally and internationally. His research is conducted in collaboration with leading experts in Australia, Europe, the UK, and the USA. Dr Bahar-Fuchs also collaborates widely with providers of clinical services in Melbourne and beyond, and he regularly engages the wider public through community lectures as well as numerous engagements with the print, audio, and visual media.


Are you a student interested in supervision? Contact Dr. Alex Bahar-Fuchs today!

Seminars in Ageing: Olfactory decline and training in people at risk of dementia. With Dr. Alex Bahar-Fuchs